PRO-SKAN SSTV HELP. FOR VER 3.00 + MAIN SCREEN FUNCTIONS C = CONTROL KEY A = ALT KEY S = SHIFT KEY _________________________ F1 S_WAIT - - - VERTICAL SYNCH WAIT TOGGLE. A RECEIVED PICTURE SIGNAL WILL AUTO-START WHEN RED LIGHT IS ON. WILL AUTO CHANGE MODES IF SIGNAL IS GOOD. YELLOW LIGHT TO CONTROL AUTORESTARTS, IF VISCODE PROPERLY DETECT WHILE RXing PIC, PROSKAN WILL RESTART TO THE TOP RXWindow with new Mode. VIS (V) STARTS WITH A GOOD VIS CODE ALONG WITH F1 Option WHEN RED LIGHT IS ON. THIS IS TO TIGHTENT UP FALSE STARTS, IT DOES NOT MEANS THAT IT IGNOReS VIS FOR MODE Shifting. F2 USA SC - - - TOGGLE FOR STANDARD OR JVFAX SCOTTIE SYNCH. IT WILL BE USA SC, WHEN RED LIGHT IS ON. MOST ARE USING THIS STYLE NOW AND SHOULD BE YOUR DEFULT. F3 AUTO THUMS - ON/OFF TOGGLE. AUTO SAVES PICTURES TO THUMBNAIL BOX'S WHEN RED LIGHT IS ON. ( AT END OF RX PICTURE.) F4 AUTO HEADER WHEN RED IS ON THE HEADER TEXT WILL BE PASTED TO THE TOP OF THE TX PICTURE WHEN TX STARTS, YELLOW LIGHT INDICATES A TRANSPARENT HEADER ( NO GRAY SCALE ) F5 RX-TM - - - PUTS RECEIVED PICTURE INTO HIGHLIGHTED THUMB BOX. The FILES menu as the option to place a TX picture in a thumbnail for easy loading of new thumb prints. F6 THRU F8 RESERVED. F9 SLOCK - - SYNCRONIZING LOCK TOGGLE ON/OFF. ON WHEN RED LIGHT IS ON. NORMALLY SET TO OFF. CAN BE TURNED ON FOR A FEW SECONDS TO SYNCHRONIZE AN INCOMMING PICTURE BUT SHOULD BE TURNED OFF AFTER PICTURE IS ALIGNED. F10 TX - - TRANSMITS PICTURE IN TX SCREEN FILES (F) - - A FILE SELECTION BOX WILL APPEAR. ESC TO EXIT, ENTER TO GET THE SELECTION PUT TO TX SCREEN. AND ALLOWS YOU TO MENIPULATE THE THUMBS. MODES (M) - - A MODE SELECTION BOX WILL APPEAR. ENTER TO GET THE SELECTED MODE, KEYS ARE ATIVE WITH OUT MENU. C+C CT - - CASCADE THUMB PICTURES TO DELETE BLANK TUMBS ON SCREEN TO DELETE BLANK SPACES FOR NEATNESS. C+D DT - - DELETE SELECTED THUMB PICTURE. A+F3 InG - - COMPRESS PICTURE AND INSERT GRAY SCALE HEADER; A+F4 OvG - - OVERLAY PICTURE WITH GRAY SCALE HEADER You don't really need to send gray scales, but Pasokon users perfer this for there proper operation./ SAVE RX (S) - A SAVE BOX APPEARS WITH CHOICES. TYPE IN NEW FILE NAME, THEN HIT ENTER TO SAVE IT. ROTATE (R) - SWAPS BOTH SCREENS > RX-TX (>) - COPIES RECEIVED PICTURE TO TRANSMIT SCREEN < TX-RX (<) - COPIES TRANSMIT PICTURE TO RECEIVE SCREEN / (/) - VIEW LAST 10 DECODED CALL SIGNS, PROSKAN ONLY. SPACE RX - SPACE BAR MANUALLY TOGGLES RECEIVE ON/OFF IN CASE AUTO START DOES NOT WORK. IF Already Receiving it will turn off Receive Clear the Remainder of the Screen. if you do not want the screen to be clear in the avent some one starts you and you want to save the previous picture you can hit your right mouse button or esc key once.. COMB (C) - SMOOTHS THE DETECTOR INCASE OF NOISE, YOU MAY WANT TO KEEP THIS ON AT ALL TIMES, HOWER EVER USING THE SHARPNESS IN LEFT BOX MAY CASE TO MUCH SMOOTHING.. ALSO WHEN ALIGNING THE DETECTOR FOR MAX RES THIS CONTROL SHOULD BE OFF ! P.S. if you omit the Control then ignore this warning. ZOOM (Z) - ZOOM RECEIVED PICTURE TO FULL SCREEN, YOU WILL YOU WILL HAVE A MENU TO SELECT LEFT OR RIGHT AND WHAT PORT OF THE 240 LINES YOU WANT TO SEE.. UNregistered version only lets you select the RX screen. SHRP A+F1/F2 - ADJUSTS SHARPNESS OF RECEIVED PICTURE. TRY TO KEEP THE INDICATOR IN THE RIGHT BOX AS HIGH AS YOU CAN IF YOUR USING THE INTERFACE INCLUDED IN THIS SOFTWARE. ALSO EXPERIMENT WITH THE COMB SWITCH IN THIS STATE. SLANT FACTOR - C+ <- /-> - FOR FINAL SLANTING CORRECTIONS PER MODE. WHEN USING THE BASE TIMER 1 (DEFULT) ALL SETTINGS SHOULD BE GOOD WHEN THE PROPER CRYSTAL FREQ IS SELECTED, WHEN USING BASE TIMER 2 (BEST ONE) YOU NEED TO MANUALLY SET YOUR SLANTS IN EACH MODE, USING THE QUICK SET WILL GET YOU TO A NEAR STARTING POSSITION TO WORK WITH.. XC: - - - - - YOUR CALL APPEARS WHEN YOU TRANSMIT, OR THE CALL FROM THE STATION TRANSMITTING WILL APPEAR HERE IF USING PRO-SKAN. "~" INDICATES A SHAREWARE VERSION. OPM - - - - - THE OPERATING MODE WILL APPEAR HERE VC - - - - - THE VERTICAL INTERVAL START CODE WILL APPEAR HERE.. CPU TIME - - - THE TIME FROM YOUR COMPUTER CLOCK WILL APPEAR IN 24 HOUR STYLE. THE RGB COLORS - SHOWS THE COLOR LEVEL DRIVER YOU ARE USING. SPECTRO-SCOPE DISPLAY BOX - SHOWS SIGNAL STRENGTH, THE AMOUNT OF BLACK AND WHITE BEING RECEIVED, AND THE FREQUENCY ALIGNMENT BETWEEN THE TRANSMITTING STATION AND YOUR STATION. THE FREQ TONE MARK SHOULD BE ABOVE THE "S" IN THE RED AREA OR CLOSE TO IT. YOU CAN MOVE IT WITH YOUR RADIO VFO, ATV MODES DO NOT HAVE A SYNC PULSE. Just above the Thumb prints you will see a row of amber LED's! Use these with the mouse pointer to click onto which set of 20 from a 200 count of thumb slots you want to view. or you could use the Up/Down control arrows on your key aboard to scroll through them.. P.S. 32MEGS DISK SPACE IS REQUIRED IF ALL 200 ARE USED.. Special Note: Once you have determine that your systems clock freq is correct which can be set from selecting the configurtion then "0", you should try to use base timer 2, to select this you simple insure that base timer two option is being display in the configuration menu, this indicates that base timer 2 is active, you also have at this time an option that lets you quickly set the slant factors for all modes. This quick setting is not the final one hower, i havent yet been able to come up with an accurate formula to use the base 1 settings to calibrate the base 2 settings but this will get you near it.. To adjust your base 2 settings simply copy a picture from some one that you think is producing the correct sweep speed, one from a crystal unit or some one from a PRO_SKAN that you know is on track.. by depressing the CTRL+ left/right arrows keys you can make the picture shift to the direction it needs to be placed to align it.. when you have been able to receive a complete picture correctly with out making any adjustments then take note of the number that is displaying in the SLANT Factor Box and write it down incase you need it later.. Repeat the above process for each mode, when PRO_SKAN exits to the main menu all changed settings will be saved... This may seem like a lot of work but it is well worth it, this mode will give you near to perfect vertical alignment bars with out any gear toothing.. Speed Issues.. You need a 386 33Mhz or better to use this mode do to the CPU time needed to process the timer.. you can operate as slow as a 386 16Mhz SX but the Base2 and faster modes may not work properly. PROBLEMS: When using TIMER 2 and if your having problems getting your RX & TX slant factors to agree with each other there is two things that can be done. #1 Remove the operation of your memory manager QEMM386, EMM386 ect.. if your using DOS 6.XX you can hit the F8 key on boot up when you see the message "Starting DOS", this will allow you to select what you want, you should say yes to everything except for the line that contains the memory manager. If you want to try to run the memory manager any ways then get your scottie one aligned so that some one that you know is receiving correctly tells you that your TX correctly.... If they say that your picture is slanting to the left on the botton then decrease your slant factor, else if they are getting a slant to the right then increase your slant factor.. if aprox 1/8 of an inch is reported then about 13-15 of adjustment is a good start, if aprox 1/2 inch then try bout 80 ect.. Once you have determine that you have your SCOTTIE 1 TX properly then have that person send you SCOTTIE one.. if you get a slanting to the left on your RX then go into the Setup and set the "Correct RX offset" to the apropiate value that will get your RX aligned.. Once this has be determine this correct RX offset does not need any more adjusting.. the remainder of the modes can be set simple by adjusting them as you RX a picture from a known correct source. Note : If you criple the Memory Manager then make sure the CORRECT RX offset is zero, if the RXcorrectoffset option is still displaying in the configuration. otherwise if you don't see the option any more, then proskan properly detected the absence of the memory manager. At this Point all you need to do is just adjust your RX and then your TX will be correct with the source you adjusted with.. #2 Unexplainable noise speckles in the picture in ramdom spots. Cripple the memory manager, or the detector is out of balance when using the high level sharpness. #3 Mouse operation fails after exiting the program ? Need to use a more compatiable MicroSoft mouse driver ! #4 Some times Locks up when rotating, copying to thumbs, Tx to RX, RX to TX or moving the mouse to some areas of the screen ? Answer:.. if has be found resently that some video cards in Vesa local or PCI Local buses are generating machine system halts when making attemp to read the video cards memory contents which is a startard operation for a video card, out of the tons of programs out there that uses graphics only a vary few actually read the screens contents, they only write to the screen and they save there screen contents in the host memory... Aparently some video cards are having problems switching from the write cycle to the read cycle or visvera when the read location is not in the same memory as the write locations there by causing the video card to perform more then it usually does... After swapping video cards for test reasons to find the problem goes away leads me to beleave that there are alot of problem video cards out there.. This seems to be happening in HIgh SPeed cases such as the PCI or 32 local BUS.. After extentive testing it appears that the video cards electronics is getting to hot because most of the problems seem to happen after you have done a few things that forces the video card to do a lot of read/write direction switching !. One card just resently found was a TRIDENT PCI that was being used in a 120DX-4 Mhz PCI Bus, We put an old 256 16 bit card in it and all is well, we also tryed a cirrus card to find it worked well, this user as gotten a new card and works fine now.. #5 video & graph are losts or lots of it missing video while using detector in the high level sharpness mode.. Check out the interface, insure that you have a minium of 7 volts feeding the pin 4 & 8 -7 & +7 min should be there. make sure the clampling diodes are properly put in, insure the balance control is in the center, last resort, bad IC or serial port.. #6 video seems to get upset on the Desk top, when moveing thumb nails around, and pulling down the files box.. if your using a TSeng chip on your video card, you must use the TSG256,TSG32k or TSG64k #7 System locks up or leaves data behind on the screen when closing the FIle,Graphics or Save menu ect// Menu. Check your scratch Path in your configuration, and invalid path will cause system locks. Paint Program. The QUOD function is to past four thumb prints on the TX screen. Hilight your THUMBS then place the pointer to the corner you want that thumb to appear.. double cliking on the thumb will load TX as normal.. the SPRAY , is a variant of the PEN draw, it helps you male specles on the screen. To change the colour of various options in the paint you simply adjust to the colour you want then place the pointer on the function square and click the right mouse button.. clicking the left button will move the current colour of the function square to the mixing box.. In the ATTRIB box. the Coutline is the Charactor Out Line Control. The CBkGrd is the Charactor Back Ground control. The CShad is the 3d shaddow effects control.